Baby again

I was thinking, if Baby were to die, I would cry myself to the last tear. The infection was really hideous. Blood and pus(eewww). His fur was long so it's hard for us to see what's inside. He stank so bad(the wound) and flies were attacking him. We couldn't stand it any longer so we sent him to the vet, just now. Well, initially we thought if it were some skin irritation, it would heal by itself. It must be painful, because he was limping and he lost approximately 90% of his attacking strength. Most of the time when he's well, he would pounce on us. Now, we can easily push him away.

I was really worried. Maybe he'll be limping for the rest of his life. Or maybe it may be so bad that the pain he'll bear is too much that the vet would have to euthanise him. Noooo. I prayed for a dog, for the first time, so that God will heal him. Although he snaps and pounces all the time, he's still my baby. He's been with us ever since he's six weeks old. Now he's 4 years old. There's a relationship and a bonding. I don't understand why Alan hated him so much.


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