Someone asked me,

"What do you think of before you start work?"

Honestly, I had no idea what I wanted to do, who I'd want to become, and I don't know who would want to employ me.

Because... you see, I'm not a very bright person.
My resume was... unimpressive.
My dad still remembers how pale I looked when I met him at the lobby after my interview.
The only word I could say was, "Intense!"

"Hello, my name is Potato."

But I did got hired. And I love my job!
I found myself asking, "Six billion people in the world today. So many talents, why me?"

I've no idea how I got here, and people say I'm a really lucky girl.

I would say, blessed - graciously blessed. He is good. My God is good.

And all I ask for, is the strength and the tenacity to learn whatever He wants me to learn - to serve Him in my generation.

It's a really steep learning curve right here. But nevermind. ;)


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