The things my father taught me.
"Szehui, be a woman of God. Mold yourself in the likeness of your Creator. Submit to God's will. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. In all your ways acknowledge the Lord and He will make your paths straight. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Be wise, be capable, and be strong. But do not be proud. Humble yourself, be quiet and gentle in spirit, never loud and defiant. Train yourself and be prepared for long suffering. Do not think of yourself highly, but always think of others higher than you are. Honor your father and mother. Be compassionate. Honor your promises. Live not for yourself, but to serve others, just as Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Embrace motherhood, and the role of being a wife. Be womanly. Again, in all your ways acknowledge the Lord, pray for a godly husband. And God-willing if you ever get married, fulfill God's purpose for you as a woman and be submissive. Be an encourager and support him in all areas, giving your all, and glorify God's name as one, not two. Be on your guard, resist and overcome the temptation to overpower your other half. Do all this, by acknowledging and relying on power the Lord, never on your own strength. Remember, you are bone of his bones, and flesh of his flesh, he will provide for you and you will submit to him. Learn from your mother and the older women the skills of managing a household. Humble yourself and learn. Handle your finances with wisdom, be frugal, not stingy. Be generous to others, but be very disciplined in your own spending. Learn to live in peace with one another, for blessed are the peacemakers. Watch your tongue, for it is like a double-edged sword. Do not chatter like a chatterbox, but learn to listen. Talk less, but when you speak, let it be words of wisdom and encouragement. Do not be afraid to rebuke in love. Abhor gossip and avoid dissension. Lean not on your own wisdom, but depend fully on the teachings of the Lord. Read your Bible and pray everyday. Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men (women) of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. Leave a legacy of wisdom for the succeeding generations. Discipline your sons and daughters. Make them men and women of God. Teach them what the Lord has taught you through me. Do not lose faith, from time to time renew your covenant with God. Be very discerning, for the Lord has many more to teach to you."